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Frequently asked questions

General Questions

It takes about a week for us to repair your car. 

Well, this depends on the type of your car. However, if it is a big vehicle the process might take 40-80 hours. 

To fix the large hole in the car’s body we use a glass filler or a body filler. 

It's a long process that we follow. Our professionals take an all-in-all inspection of the car. Following this they remove the paint, wash, sand, prime, and paint the area. We add a final touch by waxing and buffing the area. 

Services & Solutions

It takes around 40-80 hours to fix the repair. However, this might take less time, again as we said it all depends on the type of repair that is wielded. 

Yes, we offer emergency services as our technicians are available 24*7. So be it in the broad daylight or at kohl midnight, we are there you can lean on us. 

Yes. We offer energy analyst services. Our selected technicians and professionals in the field give you a step–by–step analysis of the watts of energy used. 

Car diagnosis at an Auto care point involves a thorough assessment, and a close inspection of the body and innermost parts of the car like engines, transmissions, breaks, and an exhaust system. This is followed by the division of the tasks amongst our dedicated professionals, and the final output is given within the promised time at the time of arrival. 

Technical Questions

We suggest you go for a refill every month. This propels the speed of the exhaust, suction engine, and combustor and does not exert too much pressure on the engine at large. 

The early signs of the transmission problem include lipping gears, rough shifting, strange noises, or a delay in acceleration.

The symptoms that you need to look for include:

  • Brake warning light 
  • Strange noises
  • Vibration noises
  • Stopping distance
  • Brake pedal
  • Fluid leakage. 
  •  A strange stench and smell.

Yes, we have professionals who look into it. However, we offer a manual and guide which suggest some tips that you can follow. Some of these tips include:

  • Avoid idling
  • Keep moderate tire pressure 
  • Accelerate gently 

Avoid rapidly changing speeds, which can increase fuel consumption by up to 20%.